Hanna Kok

The iThrive Coach

Develop your health & happiness

With our Specialised (Allergy Relief) Coaching & I Thrive App

Educational Kinesiologist | Medical Intuitive | Allergy practitioner | Author of the Book, “Happy Ever After, make your relationships flourish”

I Thrive

I Thrive is a web-based Application.
I Thrive is a self-health tool designed to change your health and mindset by playing encouraging statements very softly through a device in the background.

Free Forgiveness Course

Forgiveness is the road to health and happiness. Why is that? Why should I forgive those who have hurt me? What is in it for me? Get these answers and more when you sign-up for the free forgiveness course.


My I Thrive Player

Login to play your I Thrives.


Relationship Coaching

We are in relationships with everybody and everything, e.g. ourselves, health, wealth, (school) work, romantic partner, colleagues, friends, and family. We are also in a relationship with our govenrment, institutions and more.

We can assist you to create your Happy Ever After in all of these relationships with our individual  and group coaching sessions.


Individual Consultations

If you feel like you’re drowning and can’t seem to save yourself, you need to book a consultation with Hanna Kok to address your specific issues.  

Consultations with Hanna can be done face-to-face at her consulting rooms, telephonically or via the internet on Zoom. We also offer group coaching.


Stress Relief & Alleviation

The daily stresses that creep into our lives can be debilitating. They are caused by the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and our lives.. These stresses block our perception of the world in such a way that we may struggle to envisage the way forward and negatively affect our self-esteem.

We  can assist you with individual and group coaching.

Corporate Training

Corporate Management Training & Sales Training

Stress is a killer in today’s high pressure business environment. By de-stressing one can often perform better in a far more positive frame of mind.

If we want to thrive it is important that we change our beliefs. When we release our self-sabotaging beliefs, emotions and habits & replace them with supportive ones, our choices and actions automatically change too.

We have a range of products & services that assist you with that.

Hanna Kok

Working together

for your better life

Love and light Nianell

“Hanna Kok was my life coach for many years during which I’ve discovered and learned a great deal about myself. I was taught skills that assisted me in creating a life worth living, and I’m extremely thankful for Hanna’s contribution towards my life’s success.”

Are You Surviving

or Thriving?

Would you like to switch from surviving to thriving? Would you like more (inner-) peace? Did you know that your life is a reflection of your beliefs?
Change your beliefs = Create The Life You Want, because now your choices and actions automatically change too. When you change your subconscious beliefs, the change feels natural and easy. With our consultations and workshops, we will teach you how to thrive, regardless of your current circumstances.

With our techniques, we can also help you alleviate your consuming allergies and the debilitating daily stress that holds you back.

Feel appreciated

Have fulfilling relationships

Handle life challenges well

Handle change with ease

Are healthy

Are wealthy

Make a difference

Enjoy our lives

Are You Surviving

or Thriving?

Would you like to switch from surviving to thriving? Would you like more (inner-) peace? Did you know that your life is a reflection of your beliefs?
Change your beliefs = Create The Life You Want, because now your choices and actions automatically change too. When you change your subconscious beliefs, the change feels natural and easy. With our consultations and workshops, we will teach you how to thrive, regardless of your current circumstances.

With our techniques, we can also help you alleviate your consuming allergies and the debilitating daily stress that holds you back.

Feel appreciated

Have fulfilling relationships

Handle life challenges well

Handle change with ease

Are healthy

Are wealthy

Make a difference

Enjoy our lives

Latest News

Learning to love and accept ourselves, change limiting beliefs and Become Other-Wise by trusting and following our Inner-Wisdom.

Get started

with Community life coaching

People in impoverished communities don’t have easy access to mental health professionals. This is why we want to train (unemployed) people to become Community Life Coaches so they can help people in their communities with basic issues.