Apphirmations for Schools
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Apphirmations for Schools


Do you know of a school that wants to improve their performance? 

  • Are they struggling with discipline?
  • Attendance of teachers and/or students?
  • Are the marks too low?
  • Is the school hit by crime?

If you have answered any of these questions with yes, then we have a solution for you. 

 Our education system is struggling. We have overfull classes, teachers who are overworked and kids who are not coping either. Many schools don’t have the funds either.


We have a solution for you!

Hendrik Smith is the headmaster of a rural school in the Western Cape. Like many schools the classrooms are over-full, they lack resources and the pass rate, especially for maths is low. We played the School Apphirmations in his school. They saw a significant improvements within a term. 

Here are the results they had the last 6 months. 


  1. We have seen a significant increase in:
    1. Attendance and punctuality both in pupils and teachers.
    2. Improvement in the behaviour of the learners
    3. The overall academic performance increased
  2. Short testimonial
    1. Before we used the School Apphirmations only 25% of the grade 9 learners would come to the extra maths classes, and only 20% of the learners passed maths. Since the use of the App, this increased to 99% of the learners attending the classes and 30% passed maths. This is a 50% improvement.
    2. After the exams normally only 10% of the learners would return to be in school  untill school closes. Now attendance increased to 60%.
    3. One youngster with major discipline problems had a 180turnaround and his markes improved significantly and he became head boy. This learner was the only learner who was directly exposed to the Apphirmations as he spend time daily, in the headmaster’s office.
  3. Decrease in crime (Less burglaries)
    1. They had one attempted break in during the December holidays instead of 5-10 burglaries, where each time items were stolen.

How were the school Apphirmations used?

  1. The headmaster softly played the App the 24/7 in his office.
  2. He played the School Apphirmations through the intercom system between 15:00-7:00.
  3. The teachers occasionally heard the Apphirmations in the afternoons.
  4. The learners didn’t hear the Apphirmations in their classrooms.

Why do we know it is the App that created the change?

  1. We have seen changes that never had happened before the introduction of the School Apphirmations.
  2. There was a period of 2 weeks that the App couldn’t be played and the kids’ behaviour deteriorated. After playing the App again, within 10 days the peace and calmness returned.

Headmaster Hendrik Smit

What will you get with the School Apphirmations?

In this set you get the following Apphirmations

  1.  Balanced Mind Body Apphirmations – 40 min
  2. Spiritual Reset – 15 min
  3. Optimal Work Place – 8 min
  4. Overcoming addiction – 8 min
  5. Integrated Brain & Body – 24 min
  6. Maths & Science – 14 min
  7. Reflexes – 16 min
  8. Viruses, Bacteria & Parasites – 9 min

We have included the Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Apphirmations, to ensure health and safety during these times.

Make the Apphirmations available to the learners

The schools will get great results when playing the School Apphirmations in the school. We suggest that we give the school’s learners also access to these Apphirmations, because we have seen great shifts, when the students listen to them too. They can listen to them, while sleeping. They can start using the School Apphirmations even now, while they are still at home. They will come back to school with a different attitude, which will help to make it still a successful academic year. 


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