Do you want to swap your frustration

with feeling okay, good or great?


Then sign up for our next “FROM FRUSTRATED TO FLYING” free webinar

When:  Every third Wednessday morning at 6:00-6:30 SAST. Our next one is 22 Novemberr 2023.

Click on this link to check the time for you >>>>.

Where: The Zoom link will be sent to you.


Excuses not to come Solution
I look terrible at that time of day. I am not even dressed yet. Join us and keep your camera off.
I am busy getting the kids ready for school, so I cannot fully focus. Keep your camera off and your sound off. Just attending will make you already feel better
I am in my car driving No problem, just login from your phone while driving.
…. Just join us, even if your situation is not ideal. It is only 30 minutes.


Do bad-news stories leave you fealing frustrated, powerless and fearful?

If you want to learn how to swap those feelings with feeling okay, good or even great, then come to our next From Frustrated to Flying webinar. If you join us we gaurantee you the following outcomes.

  1. You will start feeling better about you and your life. AND you will get at least one of the following outcomes too:
  2. The people and/or situation that is causing your frustrations will disappear gracefully out of your life. (Without you having to shoot or fire someone 😊)
  3. Those irritating people and situations will change. It is possible!. I have seen it happen many times.)
  4. They stop frustrating you,
  5. You become effective in dealing with them.

This webinar is ideal for you if you are willing to use a completely different approach to solving the challenges we face in South Africa and the world.

The method we are going to use is inspired by the Ho’oponopono method. Watch the video below to find out more about it. 


We look forward to having you with us.

Let’s have some fun together and take the risk of actually feeling better after those 30 minutes.

See you every third Wednesday of the month, bright and early.

Hanna Kok and Kezia Gerber.