Carefree Periods Apphirmations
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Carefree Periods

We can help you to have

  • Do you dread that time every month?

  • Are you bleeding excessively for days, weeks – or even months?

  • Is the pain so bad that you have to take prescription-strength painkillers?
  • Want a drug-free, hormone-free (with no surgery) solution?

It’s easier than you think… 

There are three ways we can assist to end your period nightmares.

  1. Carefree Period Apphirmations.
  2. Coaching.
  3. A combination of the two
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Cindy was working from home but she couldn’t do much because of the intense pain. This even affected her walking, and all Cindy wanted to do was sleep. This was the perfect example of presenteeism. I suggested that she immediately would start listening to the Carefree Periods Apphirmations. She played them very softly in the background. Within a few hours she had so much more energy. I could actually see a spring in her step.

1. Carefree Period Apphirmations

These are ideal for if you struggle with your periods every month and you are looking for a cost effective, self-help, method to create relief.

Success stories

Andrea Riem’s

Andrea Riem’s daughter is 14 years old. Every period she had in the last two years came with excessive pain. She would also be very emotional for a few days. Andrea was feeling helpless, but she didn’t allow her daughter to use hormones or strong pain killers because she is still so young.

After Andrea’s daughter had been listening to the Carefree Periods Apphirmations for only three nights, after her first period came, they were amazed that the pain had virtually gone – and she was in a great mood.


Cindy was working from home, but she couldn’t do much. She was in so much pain. Her eyes were only half open. When she walked, she moved so slowly. All she wanted to do, was sleep. This was the perfect example of presenteeism. She was at work, but no productivity. I suggested that she immediately would start listening to the Carefree Periods Apphirmations. She played them very softly in the background. Within a few hours she had so much more energy. I could actually see a spring in her step.


Sam’s periods were so painful that she needed schedule seven painkillers. She would miss work every month, because of the pain. All she could do is lie in bed in a foetal position. After she used the Carefree Periods Apphirmations she didn’t need those painkillers anymore.


2. Coaching

Sometimes the pain or the bleeding is so bad that you might consider having a hysterectomy. This is when coaching is great, because we can work with you while you are in that situation. We often have seen an immediate improvement.

Coaching Success stories

Mabereng had been bleeding for weeks. She was to look after her grandchildren, but she had very little energy. She also was suffering from severe headaches and her knee was sore. She felt like a very old lady, even though she was only in her late 50s. She jumped on a coaching call, and as we were working on releasing her unresolved issues, she started to feel much better. Before long, the headache disappeared. The next day she reported back to me that her bleeding had stopped, and the headache and knee pain were gone too. She felt 20 years younger. Now she had the energy to look after her grandchildren.


Esther was scheduled to go for a hysterectomy in a few days’ time.  When we started the coaching call, the pain in her uterus was a 10 out of 10. As we continued working for about two hours, dealing with those unresolved issues, the pain became less and less. By the end of the call, it had gone down to one or two out of 10. In the end she cancelled the hysterectomy.

Nicoline Jooste came to see me for her allergies. She had signed up for three months of coaching. After her allergies had disappeared, she told me about her period nightmares. This is when we included the Carefree Period Apphirmations – now her Period Nightmares have completely ended. You can read her full story on

3. Combining Coaching & Apphirmations

It can happen that the Carefree Periods Apphirmations give you relief, but you want more. You might still need some coaching to address your specific situation. This is when it is good to sign up for coaching.

Coaching + Apphirmations Success Stories

Nicoline Jooste came to see me for her allergies. She had signed up for 3 months of coaching. After her allergies had disappeared she told me about her period nightmares. This is when we included the Carefree Period Apphirmations. Her Period Nightmares have completely ended. You can reed her full story on

How do the Carefree Period Apphirmations work?

You are to listen to the 28 Carefree Period Apphirmations for the next 28 days, or more. Ideally you listen to them very softly while you sleep.

With the Carefree Periods Apphirmations you address the root causes of your suffering. The app assists you to free yourself from old hurts that you are holding in your body. It also supports you to embrace new supportive beliefs. Now the body has the energy to heal itself.

Some people don’t manage to listen to them all consecutively. They skip a few days. That is why they need more than one month to work throughthe whole set. Others might need to repeat the whole set. This is why it is recommended to sign up for the Apphirmations subscription.



Apphirmations users have seen miraculous results with their health issues. These include overcoming menstruation problems, and allergies. Apphirmations users have overcome depression and anxiety, ended domestic violence, healed fast from flu and other ailments.

However, The Apphirmations are not providing healthcare, mental healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue.