Optimal Weight
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Optimal Weight Apphirmation

  • Are you struggling to lose weight?
  • Are you managing to keep the weight off?
  • Do you crave all the “wrong” foods?
  • Does it feel like you tried everything, but nothing works?
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Optimal Weight

We have a solution for you!

Are you someone, who:

  • Struggling with your weight?

  • Craving all the “wrong” foods?

  • Tried pills, exercise and constant dieting – but with no real results?

Only high cortisol and raised insulin levels directly cause weight gain. 

Yes, contrary to popular opinion, weight gain is not simply all about bad eating habits and lack of exercise, the real reasons behind this are high cortisol and raised insulin levels.

So, what causes this?

 Factors such as emotional wellbeing, hormones, allergies and our metabolism can affect your cortisol and insulin levels. However, another major factor that’s also tied up into this is stress.

Stress can’t be ignored!

 As you’ve probably already heard, stress – particularly long-term stress – can have a seriously negative impact on your body.

When we are stressed our cortisol levels go up, which results in us craving sweet, fatty and salty foods. Consumed over time, this obviously leads to weight gain. Also, when our bodies are faced with high amounts of sugary food, this gives way to excess glucose that plays havoc with our pancreas’ distribution of insulin. Too much insulin increases the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Did you know that all stress is triggered by our beliefs? (Beliefs = The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and our life). We interpret everything that happens to us, either as bad, neutral or good. Anything we interpret as bad, creates stress.


If our goals conflict with our subconscious beliefs, we have a chance of one in a million to be successful in reaching those goals permanently. We will continuously sabotage our own good intentions and everything feels like one huge struggle. If our goals are in line with the subconscious beliefs, it is feels much easier. The problem with our beliefs is that we are often unaware of them, yet they run our life 95% of the time.


Optimal Weight Apphirmations


When we reprogram our subconscious beliefs about our weight, reaching our optimum goal becomes easier. Through the Optimum Weight Apphirmations, we say goodbye to all that negativity and self-sabotaging beliefs, and instead, leave only positive and supporting feelings. We also address the factors mentioned above.


Weight issues are also often linked to allergies, this is why we have incorporated The Allergy Relief Apphirmations.

​Exciting results are coming

Past clients who have used this method have experienced a drop in appetite, are attracted to a healthier diet; lose interest in fatty foods, find it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan – and, overall, find it very easy to reduce their weight.

I used the Optimal Weight Apphirmations, and they are amazing. They really made a difference for me to deal with my weight issues. They helped me make healthier food choices. And that helped me to bring my weight down naturally.
Karina Joubert


The Optimal Weight Apphirmations are really great! Within two weeks of listerning to the App at night, they helped me to stop craving sugary snacks at tea-time. I just didn’t feel like it anymore. I know now how to eat when hungry, instead of just eating.  I already lost 1 kg in 2 weeks, without any effort.

I also have signed up for Optimal Weight coaching. I very soon learnt to stop associating good times with food. I can now have a great time, without the urge of having to eat something.

Uzma Hadi

Brain Gym Practitioner and Trainer

What will you get in your Optimal Weight Apphirmations?

As the Chinese proverb says, “good things come in pairs”, and so our Optimal Weight programme also includes the Allergy Relief set, which in total, runs to 4.5 hours of specialised Apphirmations. Don’t worry, you don’t have to run this in one go as it’s far too much to absorb.  This is why we have created special combinations for you to listen to over a 28-day period.


These are the Apphirmations included in the Optimal Weight Apphirmations

  1. Optimal Weight – 36 :41
  2. Releasing Fear – 8:06
  3. General allergies – 8:48
  4. New Inner World – 4:40
  5. Allergy for Self – 14:09
  6. Message for Parents – 9:21
  7. Balanced Mind Body System – 39:58
  8. Protein – 5:07
  9. Calcium – 4:37
  10. Vitamin C – 7:46
  11. Vitamin B – 5:36
  12. Sugars – 8:23
  13. Iron – 5:16
  14. Vitamin A – 5:21
  15. Lipids – 7:00
  16. Minerals – 8:22
  17. Carbohydrates – 7:08
  18. Acid – 6:26
  19. Base – 9:08
  20. Yeast & Fungi – 7:03
  21. Hormones – 8:27
  22. Organs – 6:53
  23. Animal Dander – 4:49
  24. People – 11:09
  25. Inhalants – 12:36
  26. Emotions – 8:17
  27. Contactants – 8:26
  28. Injectants – 8:41
  29. Milk & Dairy – 5:27
  30. Viruses, Bacteria & Parasites – 9:44