If you want to listen to a sample or read more about the content, then click on the related product tabs above or next to this information. Have you ever wondered why the RDA (Recommended Daily Amounts) are so ridiculously high? E.g. we have to eat 20 broccoli to get our RDA in for calcium. (I might be exaggerating a bit here.)
When we have allergy symptoms it is the tip of the iceberg. The 90% of the iceberg that is under water, is a culmination of stressors in our life. These can be caused by unresolved traumas, toxins, lack of sleep, stressful relationships at work and/or home and our inability to easily absorb nutrients from our foods. With my allergy training I learnt that if we want to reduce the total stress in our life, we need to start with making sure that we can absorb all the different food groups. And we are to do this in a specific order, starting with protein, followed by calcium and so on. During my training to become a medical intuitive I learnt that our beliefs about ourselves and our lives impacts on our ability to absorb certain nutrients. For example if we don’t feel supported, we struggle to absorb minerals. I have combined my knowledge from my allergy training, together with my training as a medical intuitive and what came to me through my intuition. This is how the Allergy playlists were created. The regular Allergy Playlist, spans over 28 days. It is important to start with this playlist, before listening to the combinations for dairy, hormonal imbalances etc. When you are struggling with auto-immune disorders, you can start with that one, if you want. The results of the Allergy Relief Apphirmations have blown me away. When I was creating this product, at first I didn’t expect to see these amazing results. But now after all the success stories that have come back to me, I know this product works. They have helped me too. My immune system is stronger, I have less mucus and less wind (As a vegetarian that is a problem.)